• Speciality: integrated parent-infant/toddler consultant, special education teacher, behavior analyst
  • Qualification: szülő-csecsemő/kisgyermek konzultáció, gyógypedagógia
  • Experience: 6 years
  • Email: hello@kidlife.hu
  • Phone: +36 30 177 4242
  • Facebook: #kidlifestudio

I have always been interested in how people lived in different ages and cultures, and I was fascinated by the diversity of solutions, which is why I first obtained a humanities degree. As a museum educator and working on excavations, in addition to how they lived, another question became more and more interesting: how did they feel? How did adults and children experience joy or loss? After the birth of my little girl, I started doing special pedagogy and parent-infant/toddler counseling courses in parallel, and from there it was a straight path to school social work and psychology courses.

I believe in the diversity of solution options, and that with the right support and accompaniment, the resources we can rely on can be found in crisis situations.

During my work with young children, I work as a partner with families, educational and educational institutions in a systemic, neuroaffirmative approach. The diversity of families and children fascinates me to this day.


Between 2012-2014, as a museum pedagogue, I met groups of children with special educational needs for the first time, and it became my goal to find the methodological elements that make the activities accessible and experiential for everyone, and the information receptive. As a school and kindergarten social worker, I worked with preschoolers, schoolchildren and young adults in groups and individually: stress management, relaxation techniques, loss processing, emotion and behavior regulation, development of social communication. As a traveling special education teacher, I gained experience in the field of speech initiation, hearing education and partial ability development from very early age to adolescence.

From 2022, as a parent/infant-toddler consultant and special education teacher, I will work with children with low and high support needs for autism and ADHD in Hungarian and English (communication development, social competence development, behavior management, stress management) within the framework of private care. During joint special pedagogic work and support conversations, I use story therapy, yoga and artistic elements (painting, drawing, music) in accordance with the needs, so that every child can experience self-efficacy during the sessions.

During my daily work, I consider it important to continue further education and to apply evidence-based methods, as well as personalized solutions. Instead of an instant panacea, I accompany the families who come to me on a joint journey, during which we look for the ideal solution for the family to the difficulties that arise.

Training and qualifications

  • 2021-2024 Pszichológia BA - SZTE
  • 2020-2021 Iskolai szociális munkás – PTE-BTK
  • 2017–2019 Integrált Szülő-Csecsemő Konzultáció ELTE-BGGYK
  • 2016–2020 Gyógypedagógia, BA – ELTE-BGGYK
  • 2009-2012 Összehasonlító Vallástudomány, MA - PPKE-BTK
  • 2006-2009 Történelem, BA – PPKE-BTK

Method-specific training and other trainings

  • 2024 Autism-specific (medical) pedagogical skills test (Vadaskert)
  • 2022 Yoga Adventure Children's Yoga Instructor
  • 2021 Gyermekek gyászának kísérése (Napfogyatkozás Egyesület)
  • 2020 Alkalmazott meseterápia (Vadaskert)
  • 2019 Varázskert (Bálint Piroska)
  • 2019 Eszközeim, lehetőségeim és határaim a szenvedélybeteg szülők gyermekeinek segítésében (Máltai Szeretetszolgálat)
  • 2018 Pozitív pszichológia a tanteremben (NetEducatio)
  • 2018 DIFER (Diagnosztikus fejlődésvizsgáló rendszer) programcsomag (NetEducatio)

Training and qualifications

  • Kisgyermekkori regulációs zavarok kezelése (alvási-átalávási nehézség, szobatisztaság, evési és táplálási problémák, sírás, nyugtalanság)
  • Evési és táplálási problémák, sírás, nyugtalanság)
  • Kisgyermekkori érzelem és viselkedésszabályozás
  • Development of social and communication skills
  • Viselkedésmenedzsment (autizmus, adhd): egyénre szabott viselkedési szabályok és jutalmazási rendszer felállítása jutalmazás alapon, pozitív pedagógiai módszerekkel
  • Korai fejlesztés
  • Beszédindítás
  • Részképesség fejlesztés (finommotorika, grafomotorika, vizuomotoros koordináció)
  • Figyelem és koncentráció fejlesztés
  • Váláshoz, halálesethez kapcsolódó veszteség/gyász kísérése gyermekek részére
  • Stresszkezelés relaxációs technikák alkalmazásával, imaginációs mesékkel
  • Színes kotta (Ulwila) módszer