• Speciality: Child clinical psychologist
  • Qualification: Developmental and clinical child psychology
  • Experience: 12 év
  • Email: hello@kidlife.hu
  • Phone: +36 30 177 4242
  • Facebook: #kidlifestudio

In the course of my work, I consider it very important to take a complex view of children's individual difficulties and symptoms, since it is never enough to examine one symptom on its own. Stagnations in development, anxieties related to learning and peers, as well as difficulties and challenges of personality development in adolescence can be most easily revealed during joint, confidential work with children and parents, for which I try to provide a maximally supportive and accepting atmosphere. As a mother, I know that sometimes parents need at least as much support as children, so I place a lot of emphasis on consulting with parents. Over the years, I have focused a lot on elementary school students, teenagers and their parents, and this age group is still closest to me. During my therapeutic work, I also work with systems approach, cognitive behavioral therapy elements, and relaxation and mindfulness techniques.


I started my work as a psychologist in the first years after university with the scientific study and research of the early mother-child relationship (from which I eventually obtained a doctorate degree), which provided a very good basis for my later clinical work due to the importance of early attachment. In 2012, I was admitted to the Vadaskert Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital, where I spent 11 years diagnosing and treating childhood psychological disorders of various ages, backgrounds, and severity, especially anxiety and mood disorders, eating disorders, and suicidal crises. Along the way, I also obtained the diploma in child clinical and mental health specialist psychology, which is essential for clinical work. During the psychiatry ward and outpatient work, I was able to learn, on the one hand, joint thinking on several levels (with doctors, nurses) and, on the other hand, complex work with families (joint therapeutic work and consultations). Through the Vadaskert Foundation, I participated in many professional trainings, recently also as an instructor. I am currently continuing my professional further training as well as my private practice with supervision for both children and adults.

Training and qualifications

  • 2008 - ELTE PPK, psychologist diploma
  • 2012 - ELTE PPK Cognitive developmental psychology PhD program, obtaining a doctoral degree
  • 2018 - SE ÁOK Department of Clinical Psychology - child clinical and mental health specialist psychologist diploma
  • 2012-2023 - ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tic disorders, anxiety disorders training
  • 2021-2023 - Treatment options for anxiety disorders in childhood c. training education


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  • Mood and anxiety complaints
  • Adolescent crises
  • Tic disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Behavior problems, integration disorders
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Getting stuck in the family system, in the parent-child relationship
  • Psychodiagnosis and therapy of psychological disorders in children and adolescents