Family counselling

Family counselling

A családkonzultáció olyan eljárás, mely teret enged a családtagok kapcsolódási módjának átbeszélésére, egymás szempontjainak jobb megértésére, ezáltal segítséget adhat a felek közötti együttműködés helyreállításában és egy boldogabb egyensúlyi állapot kialakításában.

A rendszerszemléletű megközelítés az egész családot és nem csupán a konzultációra jelentkező családtagot tekinti a nehézségek keletkezésének és a segítő figyelem egységének. A családkonzultáció vagy családterápia fókuszában a család, annak alrendszerei (szülők, testvérek), illetve az egyén fontos családi kapcsolatai állnak. A családi kapcsolatokban pozitív, erőforrásokat építő kommunikáció révén igyekszik változást létrehozni az élmények átélésének és feldolgozásának módjában, valamint az egyének és a család egészének magatartásban. A rendszerszemlélet alapja, hogy a tünet és a tünetet hordozó családtag a család egészének nehézségeit, problémáit képviseli. A terápiás iskolák irányultságától függően a család kommunikációs, strukturális, szociokulturális, történeti, érzelmi, etikai rendszerként való felfogása jellemzi a konzultációs gyakorlatot.
Service details
  • Age group3-16 yo
  • Appointments8:00-20:00
  • Number of kids1-3
  • Period50 mins

Mikor segít?

  • Nevelésben felmerült problémák esetén
  • Kapcsolati konfliktusokban
  • Együtt töltött idő minőségének romlása esetén
  • Kiüresedett szexuális élet, eltávolodás esetén
  • Váratlan családi krízis esetén (munkanélküliség, haláleset, betegség)

What happens at the meeting?

  • Discussing the problem/problems together
  • If several meetings are necessary, then the formulation of the goal
  • Mindkét szülő által elfogadható megoldások keresése
  • Evaluation of solutions after trying them
  • Evaluation of changes and results

What parents say

“Rendszeresen ugyanazokba a konfliktusokba futottunk bele, már előre meg lehetett mondani mi lesz egy-egy dolog vége, de igazán a gyereknevelési dolgokon kaptunk össze. A találkozókon olyan szemléletet kaptunk, ami az egész világomat felforgatta - úgy érzem azóta nem csak jobb férj és apa vagyok, de valahogy mindenkivel javult a kapcsolatom."
Tomka Zsolt
Háromgyerekes szülő

Parent counselling

Parent counselling

The purpose of the parent consultation is for the child psychologist to provide the parents with the necessary knowledge, tools, and guidance in their education-related questions, and above all, it is particularly important to support the parents without bias or judgment. We provide the opportunity for parents to be even more prepared to take care of their children well or more easily. The child psychologist supports parents to better understand their own parenting style, helps them face and overcome personal problems, in order to restore harmony and peace in the children and the family.

What does parent consultation help with?

The child psychologist maps the problems and the child's developmental history. Based on the information and personal impressions, it may happen that, in addition to psychological development, a parent consultation is also recommended in the event that the parent encounters a parenting issue or a problem arising from a life situation where it is outlined during the conversation that it is also important to work together with the parents in order to find a solution or to catalyze changes. work. It is possible that the symptoms/behavior changes occur in the child, but in some cases it may still be necessary to cooperate with the parent, think together, and develop alternative methods/modes of reaction.
Service details
  • Age group3-16 yo
  • Appointments8:00-20:00
  • Number of kids1-3
  • Period50 mins

When does it help

  • Joint analysis of specific questions and situations
  • In matters of education
  • In difficult life situations (divorce, grief, trauma)
  • In matters of parenting and relationship questions
  • In situations of abuse
  • In difficult situations related to a baby (eating, sleeping, bonding)
  • In family matters

What happens at the meeting?

  • Discussing the problem/problems together
  • If several meetings are necessary, then the formulation of the goal
  • Finding solutions acceptable to parents
  • Evaluation of solutions after trying them
  • Evaluation of changes and results

What parents say

"We divorced, I had a hard time bearing what my child told me about what was happening to him at his father's place, while my ex-husband had good intentions. I wanted to help, I didn't want to interfere, but I couldn't calm down either. After a few sessions, everything smoothed out, I was able to tell him what was important to me, I can now correctly interpret what the child has to say, and our relationship is much better."
Sára Gere
Divorced parent

Individual psychological counselling - For adolescents

Individual psychological counselling - For adolescents

Adolescence is one of the defining and stressful stages of life, which is often not easy for either the young person or their parents. In these years, countless important decisions have to be made regarding studies and career choices, not to mention separation from parents, relationships and sex life. Often, already existing, unresolved problems are given greater emphasis in adolescence, so it is no wonder that the adolescent often gets into conflict. In addition to dealing with current, everyday problems, the psychologist's helpful contribution can also be key to achieving healthy adulthood.

During the meetings, the psychologist helps the adolescent by focusing on one specific difficulty at a time, so as the first step of the counseling process, the specialist gets to know the adolescent's problem. The essence of personalized development is that, with the help of the psychologist, the young person can think about their current problems. With the help of the different techniques learned during the meetings (e.g. stress reliever and problem solver), as well as self-knowledge, the teenager can become more balanced and decisive, and his self-esteem can increase.

The first step in the work with adolescents is the parent consultation, after which it continues with personal meetings, completed with mainly verbal and/or non-verbal elements. The counseling process is based on a trusting relationship between the adolescent and the psychologist, only the two of them take part in the sessions, and the presence of the parent is primarily based on the adolescent's needs.
Service details
  • Age group11-16 yo
  • Appointments8:00-20:00
  • Number of kids1
  • Period50 mins

When can a psychologist help?

  • In case of learning difficulties
  • When you feel all alone
  • If you feel the waves crashing over your head
  • In case of learning difficulties
  • In case of parent-child relationship difficulties
  • Due to addictions (computer, phone)

What parents say

"Our divorce took a toll on my son, he didn't talk to either of us anymore. The meetings helped a lot, especially the parent consultation, which opened a new window into an unknown world."
Kata T.
Divorced parent

Individual psychological counselling - For children

Individual psychological counselling - For children

In the first meeting, the parents see the child psychologist, where they discuss the difficulties and topics affecting the child and also the reason for the check-in. In the second meeting, we discuss the child's developmental history: the child's developmental steps, and the accompanying or disturbing events are mapped. This conversation is also a good opportunity for parents to think over all the aspects that may be behind their child's symptoms and difficulties together with a specialist. The second session ends with how parents should prepare their child for the meeting with the psychologist. It is also common, that the two meetings fit in the first session.

Meeting the child

The child comes to the child psychologist accompanied by the parent. The specialist and the child get to know each other in a two-person situation - of course, if the child still feels uncomfortable, the parent will accompany him for a while. The goal is to establish a safe supportive relationship, in which the psychological assistance can then continue, and the various tests can be carried out. These psychological examination procedures (observation of play activities, performance tests and projective techniques) are adapted to the child's unique problem, and at the same time help the child psychologist to understand the background and dynamics of the child's difficulties.

Repeated parent consultations

In the reating sessions with the parent, the child psychologist shares the information and experiences gained based on the examination / familiarization and observation. Then, together with the parents, the specialist determines the framework and method of further cooperation and the possible course of psychological development.
Service details
  • Age group5-16 yo
  • Appointments8:00-20:00
  • Number of kids1
  • Period50 mins

When does it help?

  • When parent consultation is not enough and individual development is needed
  • If we do not know the cause of the difficulties that arise
  • When the child asks for support for itself

What happens after?

  • If the problem is solved, we close the therapy
  • Parent consultations can - if needed - continue
  • The psychological support of the child can continue

What parents say

"I got an insight into such pitfalls, such contexts emerged that I would never have thought of. I am grateful, I feel that we have saved my child's future life."
Dóra Kálmán
Single parent

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