• Speciality: Gyógypedagógus, Kulcsár féle komplex mozgásterápiás fejlesztő (ENG, DE)
  • Qualification: Special education, Autism specialist
  • Experience: 8 years
  • Email: hello@kidlife.hu
  • Phone: +36 30 177 4242
  • Facebook: kidlifestudio

I am Alexandra Koczka-Petri, teacher, special education teacher, Kulcsár complex movement therapy developer, baby and aromatherapy Swedish masseuse.

Pedagógusként, gyógypedagógusként és négy gyermekes anyaként is nagyon hiszek a kapcsolódó nevelés-oktatás-fejlődés erejében. Fontosnak tartom, hogy teljes elfogadással, „falaimat leengedve”, ítéletek és elvárások nélkül tudjak kapcsolódni a rám bízott gyermekekhez és szüleikhez. A közösen kialakított célok mentén igyekszem apró lépésekben, a fokozatosság elvét betartva, határozottan, de játékosan fejleszteni a gyermekeket. Nagy hangsúlyt fektetek a gyermekek terhelhetőségének és pillanatnyi állapotának figyelembe vételére. Nagyon fontos számomra, hogy a tanulás, fejlődés stresszmentes legyen, jó érzésekkel társuljon és az idegrendszer a terhelést követően meg is tudjon nyugodni. Holisztikus gondolkodás jellemez, egy-egy problémát igyekszem minél több oldalról megismerni, így a támogatás is több oldalról valósulhat meg.

Following my own journey of self-discovery and looking for solutions to the problems that arose during the upbringing of my children - my oldest son was with SEN - I became a teacher, then a special education teacher and, in addition to traditional pedagogy, I learned about and use exercise therapy and alternative pedagogic methods, such as the coordination of the two hemispheres of the brain. targeted, movement-based pedagogical kinesiology, which makes learning even more effective.


I started my higher education at the Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Szeged, Gyula Juhász, where I graduated as a teacher in 2008, and then in 2010, I passed the public education leader examination at the Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Szeged, Gyula Juhász.
In 2015, I qualified as a special education teacher at the University of Szeged, specializing in pedagogy for the intellectually disabled, and as a special education teacher with learning disabilities, and in 2016, I obtained the title of pedagogic teacher at the Szent Gergely Folk College.

Professional experience

  • 2010-2015 Budapest Montessori Elementary School and High School - Children affected by dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and ADD/ADHD/Autism
  • 2015-2017 Kőbánya Complex Kindergarten, Primary School and Unified Methodological Institute for Special Pedagogy - Development of preschool and primary school BTMN and SEN children
  • 2017- Csepeli Csodakút Egyesített Óvoda Mesevár Tagóvoda special education teacher - Complex special education development of children living with autism and helping their integration

Training and qualifications

  • 2022 – Development of the coping strategy of the teacher and the child
  • Effective early development of autistic children (1.5-6 years), through play activities, with a focus on social-communication skills
  • 2020 - Learning the theory and methodology of the "happy hour" in order to develop the emotional intelligence and positive thinking of teachers and students
  • 2021 - Nervous system disorders of autism and ADHD children
  • 2021 - Recognizing and treating numeracy difficulties
  • Behavioral therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Vadaskert Foundation, Budapest, 2011)
  • 2020 - Factors determining early nervous system development
  • 2019 - Possibilities of using the relaxation method in the teacher's everyday work
  • 2019 - Natural remedies for childhood diseases
  • 2018 - Change of attitude in the physical education of kindergarten and elementary school children - Planning and organization of daily exercise programs
  • 2017 - Right hemisphere learning training
  • 2016 - Basics of inclusive education for children and students with autism (Autism Foundation)
  • 2014 - Techniques for solving psychological inhibitions related to teaching and learning
  • 2009 - Movement therapy to prevent and solve learning difficulties