Complex school-maturity assessment

As parents, we are often uncertain as to what is the best solution for our child: to stay one more year in kindergarten, or to start the school years. In many cases it is difficult to make the right decision, in case of uncertainty it is worth relying on independent experts who can provide objective answers to the questions that arise. Our complex school-maturity assessment is carried out by three specialists, a psychologist, a physical therapist and a special education teacher. As a result, our examination is reliable, extensive and covers many areas that are not assessed in kindergartens. At the end of the process parents receive a comprehensive picture of their child's ability profile, so that the development of possible deficiencies can begin even before the start of school.

In order to integrate into the school environment, the appropriate maturity of the child socially, physically, and in the area of cognitive abilities (attention, memory functions, thinking, language use) is essential. Good quality psychic functions are meant to bridge the difficulties arising from the difference between the kindergarten and school environment. Failure in these areas often leads to school failure, so our targeted assessment helps to determine the exact development plan and successful school performance.

After completing the examination, we will receive an answer as to whether the child's sub-skills are suitable for starting school or whether some area needs improvement. After the survey, we will give feedback on the when it is recommended for the child to start school based on the professional opinion of the three specialists, and which areas need to be developed and in what form, as well as what type of school best suits the child's abilities. In the case of minor delays, we support families with professional advice, so the child can easily catch up with tasks that can be done at home - together with the parent.

The first step of the assessment is 3 x 50-minute meetings with the child, after which we give feedback to the parents, for which we also provide a written professional opinion, in which we make a proposal for the emerging development needs, and possibly for further examinations.

Emőke Baradlai

Child psychologist, consulting specialist psychologist, ADHD expert

Bianka Molnár

Occupational therapist, speech therapist, special education
Service details
  • Age group5-7 yo
  • Appointments8:00-12:00
  • Number of kids1
  • Period180+30 mins

Mivel érdemes készülni?

  • Ruházat, amiben könnyen mozog a gyermek
  • Innivaló

Mit vizsgálunk a felmérésen?

  • Artikuláció
  • Beszédszervi állapot és működés
  • Nyelvi fejlettség
  • Diszlexia-veszélyeztetettség
  • Grafomotórium
  • Nagy- és finommozgások, reflexintegráció
  • Kézpreferencia, -dominancia
  • Téri tájékozódás
  • Szenzoros feldolgozás
  • Ritmus
  • Szerialitás
  • Alak-háttér elkülönítés
  • Figyelmi funkciók
  • Kudarctűrés
  • Monotóniatűrés
  • Feladattudat, -tartás
  • Önkontroll, önszabályozás képessége
  • Magabiztosság, szorongás a feladathelyzetben

What parents say

Alapos, jó színvonalú vizsgálatot kerestem - és nem csak ezt, hanem iskolaválasztási tanácsokat is kaptam! Csak ajánlani tudom!
Dezső Márta
Single parent

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